Loss and Lucidity. Exhibition in Fabrica Braco de Prata, Lisbon Aug/Sep 2019


This International exhibition, the first of its kind at The Fabrica Braco de Prata, the administration building for the Silver Arms Factory. Nuno Nabais a Professor of Philosophy in Lisbon, who runs the Fabrica wrote... ( excuse the translation)..

"The Silver Arm Factory wants to dedicate the month of August and September to think about this tension between appearing and disappearing that characterizes contemporary art. Its starting point is a group exhibition, curated by Diana Ali. With the title “Loss and Lucidity”, 59 artists from different nationalities and from very distant aesthetic traditions erode our concepts of “appearance”, “appearance”. ”,“ Appearance ”. The bottom line is: How does art appear to be what is lost, what happens as a disappearance? Is lucidity in the face of loss, the acute awareness of a void, that defines artistic creation today?

The exhibition will open on August 8th and will last until September 18th. For September we will have several conferences on the phenomenon of disappearance, which we will announce shortly."


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